• WolframAlpha

    A new web service named WolframAlpha went live today. The live launch of the self-titled computational knowledge engine had some hiccups but it seems to be up and running now. Somewhere between Wikipedia and Google, with cool charts and visualizations, I can tell I’ll be using this a lot. WolframAlpha leans heavily to scientific data and facts which is mostly why you’d choose to use this but dates, music, and colour are all innovations in search. You can learn more in the faq.

    While it’s no Google-killer yet, it’s just in it’s infancy, it does some things today that make Google’s search look useless. It’s also a different look on things and that’s refreshing.

    Just one example of how a query might differ;
    Google Search

    WolframAlpha search for "Google"
    WolframAlpha search for "Google"
  • Kranked – REVOLVE teaser

    Coming June 2009

    A high definition tribute to the coolest human-powered adrenaline tool ever invented and a look at the riders who push these bikes to their limits.

  • Twitter on Late Night

    Did you catch Jimmy Fallon tonight? (wed. mar. 11 09) The new late night host seems to be appealing to a much younger demographic than Conan. He has a hipper house band, he Roots, and sports a Mac on his desk. Jimmy is also participating in the latest social internet craze  Twitter and just started something; The Bryan Brinkman Experiment. Jimmy, along with tonights guests Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht are asking everyone to follow a random guest of the show. He started with 7 followers is growing huge. Does it matter that I got in early around 1100 followers?

    The Bryan Brinkman Experiment